Cross Phase: RSE Online Conference | Thursday 27th March

RSE Online Conference Conference Aim: The aim of this online conference is to provide RSE leads with relevant and useful training, and practical ideas so they can excel in their roles and have an opportunity support one another and share good practice. Conference Content: To provide Diocesan updates, share expectations and outline support, documents and […]

Secondary: Chaplaincy Day Conference | Tuesday 29th April 2025

Chaplaincy Day Conference | Tuesday 29th April 2025 Couse Aim: To provide Chaplains with relevant and useful training, and practical ideas so they can excel in their roles and have an opportunity to support one another and network. Course Content: Relevant and useful training from experts that will support chaplains in ministering to their school […]

Get Tickets £105.00

Diocesan Deputy Headteachers Conference | Thursday 1st May to Friday 2nd May 2025

Diocesan Deputy Headteachers Conference Conference Aim: The aim of this conference is to explore major issues and challenges impacting upon the Catholic school and it’s distinctive nature. It also provides a much-needed opportunity for spiritual nourishment, reflection and prayer. Conference Content: Keynote Speakers Sharing of Good Practice Opportunities for Networking Time for reflection, prayer and […]


Governors: Appointing Heads and Deputies Online Course | Tuesday 6th May

Appointing Heads and Deputies Online Course Course Aim: The aim of this course is to help governors understand the process of appointing senior leaders from advertising the post to appointment. Course Content:  The regulations from the Bishops’ conference on appointing senior staff. Putting together an advertisement. Shortlisting. Running an interview day/days. Target Audience: Governors

Governors: Admissions Online Course | Wednesday 7th May

Admissions Training Online Course  Wednesday 7th May Course Aim: The aim of this course is to enable governors/schools/academies to act confidently in the context of the School Admissions Code and Diocesan Guidance on admissions and for governors to understand the new annual timescales for consultation and determination of admission policies. Course Content: An update on […]

Secondary: Heads of RE Updates and Sharing Forum | Thursday 8th May 2025

Secondary: Heads of RE Updates and Sharing Online Forum | Thursday 8th May 2025 Course Aim: To explain to Heads of RE diocesan and national updates and give them an opportunity to ask questions, share good practice and network. Course Content: Relevant and useful updates regarding RE An opportunity for advisors to address any question […]


Secondary: Understanding the Theology Year 8 Branch 6 | 13th May 2025

Secondary: Understanding the Theology – Year 8 Branch 6 of 6 Online Course Course Aim: To ensure non-specialist RE teachers understand the theology in Year 8 Branch 6. Course  Content:  Engaging explanation of the theology in Year 8 Branch 6. Opportunities to ask questions to develop understanding of the Catholic beliefs and practices in Year 8 […]

Get Tickets £15.00 – £35.00

Governors: Safeguarding | Tuesday 13th May

Safeguarding Online Course Course Aim: Schools have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. This course will cover essential information to help governors understand their responsibilities. Course Content: Latest update from Keeping Children Safe in Education. Updates on Ofsted. The role of the link governor for safeguarding. Examples of monitoring […]