Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity CPD Programme Sessions 1, 2 and 3 and Sharing Forum 1, 2 and 3 | Academic Year 2024/25

RJED CPD Programme Sessions 1, 2 and 3 and Sharing Forum 2 and 3 | Academic Year 2024/25 RJED Session 1 – Governors | 12th November – (Available as a recording) Course Aim: To ensure governors are informed about issues concerning RJED and know how to champion and support RJED within their schools. Course Content: […]

Get Tickets £100.00 – £150.00

Governors: Safeguarding | Tuesday 25th February

Safeguarding Online Course Course Aim: Schools have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. This course will cover essential information to help governors understand their responsibilities. Course Content: Latest update from Keeping Children Safe in Education. Updates on Ofsted. The role of the link governor for safeguarding. Examples of monitoring […]

Primary: Prayer and Liturgy Updates and Sharing Forum | Thursday 27th February

Primary Prayer and Liturgy Updates and Sharing Forum | Thursday 27th February Course Aim: The aim of this course is to explain to those leading their school’s prayer and liturgy diocesan and national updates and give them an opportunity to share good practice and network. Course Content:  Relevant and useful updates regarding prayer and liturgy. […]

Governors: Guidance and Updates for RE Link Governors | Thursday 27th February

Guidance and Updates for RE Link Governors Online Course Course Aim: The aim of this course is to provide governors with a greater knowledge and understanding of Religious Education, Prayer and Liturgy and the Catholic Life and Mission of our schools. Course Content: Exploration of the role of the RE Link Governor. Examination of diocesan […]

Governors: Guidance and Updates for RE Link Governors | Thursday 27th February

Guidance and Updates for RE Link Governors | Thursday 27th February Course Aim: The aim of this course is to provide governors with a greater knowledge and understanding of Religious Education, Prayer and Liturgy and the Catholic Life and Mission of our schools. Course Content:  Exploration of the role of the RE Link Governor. Examination […]

Primary: Preparation for CSI Inspection Online Course | Friday 28th February

Preparation for CSI Inspection Online Course | Friday 28th February Course Aim: The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the CSI inspection process. Course Content:  Relevant and useful training on the CSI framework. Support for preparing for CSI inspection. Overview of CSED and ongoing monitoring. Target Audience: Headteachers/RECs and SLT.

Diocesan Headteachers Conference | Thursday 6th March to Friday 7th March, Oxford Thames

  Headteachers Conference Conference Aim: The aim of this conference is to explore major issues and challenges impacting upon the Catholic school and it’s distinctive nature. It also provides a much-needed opportunity for spiritual nourishment, reflection and prayer. Conference Programme:     TARGET AUDIENCE:  Primary and Secondary Headteachers. Accommodation: Oxford Thames Hotel, Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames, […]

Get Tickets £425.00

Cross Phase: Catholic Life and Mission Update and Sharing Forum | Tuesday 11th March

Catholic Life and Mission Update and Sharing Forum | Tuesday 11th March Course Aim: The aim of this course is to explain to those leading their school’s Catholic Life and Mission diocesan and national updates and give them an opportunity to share good practice and network Course Content: Relevant and useful updates regarding Catholic Life […]

Primary: EYFS Twilight Sharing Forum | Wednesday 12th March

EYFS Twilight Sharing Forum | Wednesday 12th March Course Aim: The aim of this course is to provide EYFS teaches with an opportunity to share good practice, resources and planning for the RED branches. Course Content:  Relevant and useful updates regarding resources for Nursery & EYFS. Opportunity for advisors to address any concerns/questions regarding planning/RED. […]